Pitch Your Saas

Sell Like Crazy Notes


First go check the King Kong Webinar and after reading the summary, go check it out again.

4% of your activities create 64% of the revenue in your business In my business, after cutting out the 96% of my activities that produced little or no revenue, this is what the top 4% revenue-producing activities looked like:

Revenue-Producing Activities

• Writing sales copy • Coming up with offers & promotions • Creating sales funnels • Shooting videos • Doing webinars • Scheming & plotting

Sadly, here is where most entrepreneurs and top employees mess up. Instead of investing their time exclusively in their super-productive 4%, too many business owners and salespeople get caught up in the minutiae of the day-to- day 96%.

You shouldn’t invest your time in boring, low-value tasks.

As the owner, your number one responsibility is to sell.

Your entire existence as an entrepreneur lives and dies by how effective your sales and marketing is at producing new revenue.

If you have a marketing and sales machine that predictably brings in hordes of new customers every day like clockwork, owning a business can be phenomenal.

As a business owner, selling should be your number one priority – and you must act accordingly. This means spending the bulk of your time on marketing and sales- related activities – or as I call them, revenue-producing activities.

you must be very much involved in every step of the sales and marketing process, so you understand the problems intimately and can identify the opportunities.

To be a truly effective entrepreneur, you must become your business’s number one expert at selling.

Discipline, structure, rules, rituals, planning. These are the frameworks for success, yet these are not attractive things in today’s world of instant gratification.

Guys like Robert Collier, Eugene Schwartz, David Ogilvy, Gary Halbert, and Gary Bencivenga. These guys quietly worked in the background to generate billions of dollars in revenue, often turning tiny businesses into huge household names that are still around today. If you’ve never heard of them, Google them!

you can have the most advanced technology, tools, and sales funnel with all the fancy bells, whistles, and advanced marketing automation that delivers a lame vanilla offer your prospects simply ignore!

The ability to write ads and marketing messages that sell is by far the most lethal money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire.

the guys who know how to craft a killer sales pitch that forces people to whip out their wallet and throw money at you will always be rare... incredibly valued... outrageously well paid... and sitting in the driver’s seat of their abundant future.

Good advertising is simply a sales pitch. Or better put, salesmanship multiplied.

The real issue here is not in buying traffic. Anyone with an internet connection and a credit card can do that. The real issue is converting that traffic into actual sales using a system based on unit economics that makes buying traffic profitable and self-liquidating.

you need an automated lead generation and client conversion system that turns advertising into profit.

example from Facebook. The advertising spend is $7,334.06 and the return is $104,683.48! That’s a 1,356.96% ROI! In other words, they put in $1 and got $14.27 back. Or once again, specifically, they put $7,334.06 in and got $104,683.48 back! If that doesn’t get you excited, I’m not sure what to say.

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The problem is that most people treat every lead like the 3% who are ready to buy now. They have no systems in place to capture and nurture the other 97%.

To reach the 97% who aren’t ready to buy now (but could be very soon), you have to educate them.

The bonus here is, if you are the one educating them, you’re also making sure that when they hit the ‘buy now’ stage, they’ll be likely to buy from you. To do this, your message must be powerful, insightful, and education-based, and not simply a promotional piece about your company.

The key is to install a system that: • Attracts • Educates • Nurtures • Gets prospects to act!

Your systems – not you – are doing the grunt work in educating prospects, following them up, and delivering content that educates. And when they reach out to you, you’ll know they are predisposed, pre-qualified, ready, willing, and able to do business with you. They’re virtually 99% ready to buy.

Here’s what you need to do: • Educate your prospects so they know more about the process of solving their problem, and they’re empowered to make a better buying decision. (Do this using a High-Value Content Offer, i.e. free reports, videos, cheat sheets, or other value-based materials. You’ll learn how to do this in Phase 2.) • Take your best sales pitch or frequently asked questions and turn them into assets that nurture prospects on autopilot. At the same time as giving them information, you’re also moving them up the pyramid. (Do this using the Magic Lantern Technique, which you’ll learn in Phase 6.) • Position your solution as the obvious choice. • Make them an irresistible offer using ‘The Godfather Strategy’. (You’ll learn how to do this in Phase 4.)

You need to uncover your customer’s deepest and most primal desires.

Once you identify your Power 4%, you want to look at what characteristics they share. Start with the obvious data including age, location, and education level.

1. Where does your dream buyer hang out and congregate?

2. Where does your dream buyer get their information?

3. What are their biggest frustrations and challenges?

4. What are their hopes, dreams, and desires?

5. What are their biggest fears?

6. What is their preferred form of communication?

7. What phrases, exact language, and vernacular do they use?

8. What does a day in your dream buyer’s life look like?

9. What makes them happy?

WARNING: Do Not Buy A New House Before Reading This Shocking Free Report... • What You Don’t Know About Building A New House That Could Cost You Tens-Of-Thousands Of Dollars And Threaten The Financial Livelihood Of Your Family • 11 Things No Homebuilder Would Dare Tell You Before Taking A Deposit (Number 5 Could Cost You $100,000S) • 6 Fatal Traps Of Buying A New Home Exposed! The Dirty Little Lies No Real Estate Agent, Builder, Or Even A Buyers Advocate Would Dare Tell You! So many more people would be compelled to read your ad and get in touch with you for your free report, right?

High-Value Content Offer (HVCO), and it draws leads to you like moths to a flame. HVCOs come in multiple forms – free reports, ebooks, videos, cheat sheets

It’s called a High-Value Content Offer for a reason! There not only needs to be perceived high value, but it must deliver on that promise.

They receive the information you have on offer in exchange for providing their contact details.

The temperature of your marketing message must match the temperature of your traffic.

‘Why are we publishing this information?’ The ‘This is why’ strategy is brilliant and you should model it for your business to increase trust in your marketplace and ultimately your sales.

The call to action (CTA) goes on to say, ‘We can’t cover everything here as it would take several volumes and naturally you probably have further questions, we’d be glad to send you a copy of this ad in pamphlet form, at no charge, no obligation... just write or phone us’.

long-form copy will beat short-form copy every single time. I’ve spent $30 million dollars on generating traffic and running thousands of scientific split tests, and I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that long-form copy works. With one caveat: The copy must be entertaining and engaging.

The buyers are the ones who read it. They are the ones who have all the burning questions, the ones who are looking for answers.

Demonstrating how good you are doesn’t only help with influencing them, but it creates heaps of goodwill and helps you reach a much larger segment of your market, like it did with Merrill Lynch.

You send the same 100 people to a website or landing page that speaks to the burning questions that market has with a HVCO. This type of offer generally converts at 25% because it’s aimed at educating the market rather than selling.

HVCO Rule #1: Create an Attention-Grabbing Headline HVCO Rule #2: Make sure every point touches a burning issue. HVCO Rule #3: Keep it simple.

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Which book would you rather read if you were in the market for that type of thing? Well, the result was 2.3 million books sales in the first 18 months!

Same book, same content, just a different title.

Identify your Dream Buyer’s single most pervasive and persistent hair-on-fire problem – and then offer them the single most valuable and immediate solution.

Consider an HVCO that King Kong put together: 22 Money Murdering Mistakes That No Web Designer Would Dare Tell You. It’s a lot more compelling than Five Things You Should Know When Building Your Website.

If the title of your HVCO isn’t enticing and doesn’t stop people in their tracks, then nobody’s going to download it.


Look at the wording: ‘Exposed!’ ‘Revealed!’ ‘Confession!’ ‘Horror!’ ‘Secret!’ ‘Torture!’ These are all emotional trigger words that strike up very visceral emotions. Now at this stage you might be thinking, ‘I could never position my business as these trashy mags do!’


Notice the use of numbers...

Numbers give your prospects a tangible object or logical idea to wrap their head around.

‘7 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner’ • ‘12 Things No Wedding Photographer Would Tell You’ • ‘22 Money Murdering Mistakes No Web Designer Would Dare Tell You’


A great way to create irresistible intrigue is by using words such as ‘Must’, ‘Alarming’, ‘Shocking’, ‘Won’t Tell You’, ‘Exposed!’ ‘Revealed’ ‘Confession!’ ‘Horror’ ‘Secret’.


an immediate benefit and the key is to write about them – not you. Show them how they’ll learn simple tips that will help solve their problem.

You must add as many specific and vivid details as possible.

‘7 Things to Know About Financial Planning’

‘7 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner’

‘7 Shocking Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner’

‘7 Horrors You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner (Not knowing these could cost you $10,000s!)’

‘7 Alarming Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner (#3 Will Blow Your Mind!)’

Top financial planner reveals his secret checklist and the dirty little lies that could cost you $10,000s and stop you from retiring 7 years early. Shocking free report reveals all!

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Timeless Formula #1 X ways to achieve [Desirable Thing] without doing [Undesirable Thing] Example: 6 Ways to Get Washboard Abs Without Doing a Single Sit -Up Timeless Formula #2 [Do Difficult Thing] in [Specific Period of Time] Even if [Shortcomings] Example: Pay Off Your Mortgage in 7 Years Even if You Have a Modest Income Timeless Formula #3 Achieve [Desirable Thing] like [An Expert] Even Without [Something Expected] Example: Paint Masterpieces Like Picasso Without Ever Having a Single Lesson! Timeless Formula #4 How to Eliminate [Biggest Problem] without doing [The Thing They Hate] Within [Specific Timeframe]

HCVO Tip #2: Make Sure Every Point Touches A Burning Issue

For example, if your headline is this: ‘5 Shocking Ways Internet Thieves Are Stealing Your Private Data – And the Secrets to Protecting Your Family!’ Every point or subhead in the text needs to support this assertion. For example, a subhead could be: ‘#1 – Think Your Password Keeps You Safe? Think Again!’

‘#2 –Destructive Malware Will Fry Your Computer!’

HCVO Tip #3: Keep It Simple

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The Opt-In Headline The headline should snap your reader’s eyeballs to the screen and promise them a specific, vivid benefit. Focus on solving one specific pain point for your prospect. If it’s too vague it will roll over your prospects like water off a duck’s back. It should focus on your prospect’s exact needs and then offer an immediate solution to their problem.

Finally! How to Get [DESIRED RESULT] Without [THING THEY FEAR MOST] in [SPECIFIC TIME FRAME] - Guaranteed. ‘[PROBLEM]? Get My [SOLUTION] and [RESULT]’

The Opt-In SubHeadline The subheadline simply restates your offer and what they’re specifically getting, such as this: ‘26-page Paleo cookbook including 16 delicious Paleo-friendly recipes you can make in under 20 minutes PLUS beautiful high- resolution pictures’. It should then go on to explain how this will be delivered, and leave nothing to question, such as: ‘Simply enter your email address below and a PDF copy will instantly be sent right to your inbox’.

Ultra-Compelling Fascination Bullets Bullet copy or fascination bullets are small nuggets of tantalising teaser information that intrigue the reader while offering or implying a benefit. They’re designed to crank up the curiosity of your prospect and make not opting-in virtually impossible.

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The less information you ask for, the higher the conversion rate on your opt-in page. I suggest collecting just two pieces of data: their name and email address.

We’ll then use email automation to nurture these prospects over time.

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The right way to approach this is to write your sales message before ever creating the product and service. Make the biggest claims, give the market what they’re starving for, create the dream-come-true experience for your market. And then, and only then, start to develop the product or service to deliver on it.

Once you know what your market is starving for, then you take your product or service and craft it into a compelling pitch ... an offer they can’t refuse.

First, create a ‘Detail Sheet’ about the product or services you want to sell. On this sheet you should have two columns, column one should be titled ‘Features’ and this is where you list the full list of the features of what you are selling. The second column should be titled ‘Benefits’. This column is where you convert all the features into corresponding benefits.

You should literally list every single feature about what you are selling that you can possibly think of.

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Offer Basics What are you selling? _______ How much does it cost? _______ Who will take immediate action on this offer? ________ How do you claim/buy it? ________

Take Casper a mattress in a box start-up. This is their offer: ‘Get America’s best-reviewed mattress, delivered to your door for free, for a 120-night trial’.

This is an irresistible offer that helped Casper shake up a stale $29 billion mattress industry, taking them from zero dollars as a small start-up to over $600 million in sales in their first 4 years of business. That’s the power of an irresistible offer.

Compare this to an offer we created for home building start-up Enso Homes: ‘We’ll build your new home in just 30 weeks or give you $5,000 in cash’.

Let’s jump onto Google and look at SEO agencies. This is an offer I found: ‘Best SEO management. Digital marketing experts’. There’s no offer here. It’s more of a statement, right?

There’s no specificity, no risk reversal, no timeframes, no end benefit to me.

This is one from yours truly: ‘Guaranteed Google rankings in 90 days or we work for free’.

It’s bold. It’s specific. And it’s got risk reversal all over it.

It really is the offer that makes the heart beat and blood pump in your marketing.

‘If the offer and the guarantee don’t keep the founder up at night, then they’re not strong enough’.

A compelling offer is infinitely more powerful than a convincing argument

1 Rationale

credible explanation of why you’re making such an outrageously generous offer.

abundantly clear to ensure your offer is believable.

2 Build Value

Tell your prospect where your product has been offered or sold at full price or even how many thousands of people have paid the full price for the product or service. Show, don’t tell: Where possible, it’s very important to include screenshots of other websites and catalogues.

Quantify the monetary benefits the product will deliver and compare it with the almost insignificant price you’re asking in return. Reduce it down to the ridiculous.

A cup of coffee or protein smoothie that’s just $1.33 per day, week, month; or cheaper than a cup of coffee to get [insert huge benefits].

3. Pricing

the key is to offer a low-end price point that will get you maximum numbers of new customers, plus one or two higher price points to increase your average sale and return on investment. You want to lead with your most aggressive offer and then have two to three upsells after the initial purchase has been made.

The key here is to avoid presenting prospects with too many choices on the front end, and leave that to the upsell process

Any additional time your prospect spends trying to decide which offer to go for kills the sale.

Now if you’re generating leads, your offer might be a free consultation. If that’s the case, you still need to attach a dollar amount to the consultation and you still need to sell hard to get people to take you up on your offer, even if it’s free.

4 Payment Options

You collect the credit card number with the order, then charge it for one-third or one-fourth of the total amount each month for three or four months. By doing so, you effectively lower the perceived price point in your prospect’s mind and this should increase response.

5 Premiums

These are the free gifts that prospects receive along with the product they’re purchasing.

Homebuilding company: $5,000 furniture and appliances voucher.
Homebuilding company: $5,000 furniture and appliances voucher.

6 Power Guarantee

reverse the risk

it’s much better to be very specific and if the guarantee is attached to the performance of what you’re selling: ‘If you follow the program and don’t lose 10kg in your first 180 days, just let us know and we’ll refund every cent you’ve paid’.

7 Scarcity

Examples of scarcity include: ; Putting an expiration date on your offer. ; Countdown clocks. ; Only X left at this price. ; Buy before X to avoid a price hike. ; We only have so many hours in a day/employees to service you/products left in the warehouse.

What are the main objections to the offer?

How will you overcome these objections?

‘What can I add to make this offer even more compelling?’


1 study the competition

What trends do you see? Do many companies in your industry offer guarantees? What type of guarantees did you find? Did you find any specific performance-related guarantees or were they the more common, lacklustre vanilla ‘satisfaction guaranteed’ type?

2 laser in on your strengths

What area of your business is a strong point for you? Do you get results quickly? Do you have exceptional craftsmanship? Do you do very fast installations? Are you great at maintenance?

3 be specific

Make a specific promise and tell your prospects they must experience the benefits you’re promising – otherwise they don’t owe you a red cent.

Guarantee in detail what that satisfaction will look like to your customer and make it measurable.

4 choose a payback

you want to create an attractive payback in case a customer is unsatisfied.

5 test, measure, and refine

6 put it front and centre

put your guarantee in writing and place it front and centre of all your marketing and public relations. Put it on your website, landing pages, proposals, in your ads, your brochures – anywhere a customer will see it.

7 give your guarantee a name

giving your guarantee a unique name can dramatise it and heighten its impact.

100% Money-Back Guarantee • My 100% Money-Back ‘Triple-Protection’ Guarantee • Take it to the Bank! • Better than Risk Free • You Can’t Lose • Unconditional, Money-Back Guarantee • Your Money-Back, No Questions Asked • I Personally Guarantee • No Way You Can Lose • 30-Day Free Examination • No-Questions, No-Quibbles, Money-Back Guarantee • Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee • 100% On-the-Spot Full Refund • My 110% ‘Call Me Crazy’ GUARANTEE! • Absolutely No Risk to You! • 100% No-Hassle Refund! • My 110%, No-Fuss, No-Questions, ‘Take-It-or-Leave- It’ PROMISE! • No Pussyfooting Around and Get Every Cent Back GUARANTEE! • Stronger than Steel No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee

Domino’s Pizza: Your pizza will be delivered in 30 minutes... or it’s FREE! Costco: 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We guarantee your satisfaction on every product we sell with a full refund. We will refund your membership fee ($55) in full at any time if you are dissatisfied.

Action Points • You create a FEATURE LIST. • You create a BENEFIT LIST. • You reduce your OFFER to writing. • You offer a POWER GUARANTEE.

If you’re a coach, consultant, freelancer, or run a professional services business and your goal is to generate leads, your Godfather Offer should be about making an offer for a free 30, 45, or 60 minute phone consultation, analysis, strategy session, or roadmap.
If you’re a coach, consultant, freelancer, or run a professional services business and your goal is to generate leads, your Godfather Offer should be about making an offer for a free 30, 45, or 60 minute phone consultation, analysis, strategy session, or roadmap.

we want to make an offer to get as many of the people who raised their hand and identified themselves as being interested in what you’re selling by downloading your HVCO to book in a call and speak to you.

This call must have a high perceived value,

You need to detail exactly what the prospect will get during the call and how it will help get them one step closer to their goal.

You must detail the offer as if you were selling it for a price. Make the value you assign to your offer believable by detailing not only how long the call will last, but also what they will receive on the call, such as a Free 30-Minute Security Vulnerability Analysis ($685 Value).

Plus, we’ll give you access to our exclusive Master Investor finance strategy which has helped people just like you go from everyday Aussies to wealthy property investors!
Plus, we’ll give you access to our exclusive Master Investor finance strategy which has helped people just like you go from everyday Aussies to wealthy property investors!

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thieves are nothing but con artists casing your business so they can swipe your goods!)
thieves are nothing but con artists casing your business so they can swipe your goods!)

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17-Step Secret Selling System:

every element you should include in any sales message. I have used my 17-Step Secret Selling System to generate over $400 million in sales for my clients and me.

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6. Provide the solution Reveal a solution to their problem with your products or services and then prove this solution is the best viable option that exists. Demonstrate clearly how it’s different from all the other solutions they have tried which failed.
6. Provide the solution Reveal a solution to their problem with your products or services and then prove this solution is the best viable option that exists. Demonstrate clearly how it’s different from all the other solutions they have tried which failed.

8. Detail the benefits People don’t care about you or your product or service, they only care about what it will do for them. Features tell and benefits sell, so talk only in benefits. Use bullet points to call them out. Make a two-column list; in one column have all the features and in the second column have the corresponding benefit.
8. Detail the benefits People don’t care about you or your product or service, they only care about what it will do for them. Features tell and benefits sell, so talk only in benefits. Use bullet points to call them out. Make a two-column list; in one column have all the features and in the second column have the corresponding benefit.

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11. Add bonuses Add relevant bonuses or sweeteners to the offer. These should be highly desirable but not essential to reaching the desired outcome – prospects simply need to want them.
11. Add bonuses Add relevant bonuses or sweeteners to the offer. These should be highly desirable but not essential to reaching the desired outcome – prospects simply need to want them.

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Scarcity has been shown time and time again to skyrocket conversion rates. The best marketers use it because it works.
Scarcity has been shown time and time again to skyrocket conversion rates. The best marketers use it because it works.

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Offer centred around a free phone consultation, analysis, strategy session, or roadmap.


you’re now ready to put the machine in motion. You’ve done your research and identified your Dream Buyer, you have created your HVCO, an opt-in page, and presented your Godfather Offer on your landing page to get prospects signed up. Now it’s time to look at what traffic channels are right for your business,

Cost per lead (CPL): You can calculate your CPL by dividing the cost of your advertising by the number of leads received for a particular campaign or marketing activity. Cost per acquisition (CPA): This is what it costs you in advertising to acquire a new customer. In any business, this is the most important metric to understand. It’s the only way to understand if the marketing you’re doing is profitable. Lifetime value (LTV): This is the projected net profit that a customer will generate during his or her life as a customer of your business.

if you have a firm grip on your unit economics, you’ll know exactly how much a customer is worth to your business over their lifetime.

how much should you be spending to get a new client? The answer, of course, is that it varies; it all comes down to your average revenue per customer. a good starting place is to take your total revenue over a period (year or month) and divide this by the number of customers you had during the same period.

if your total profit for the year is $500,000 and you had 1,000 customers, your average profit per customer is $500.

Know how much you make from a customer, and you’ll know how much you can spend to get one.

Start with one channel (SEO, Google Ads, Facebook Ads,Instagram Ads, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.). It depends on your budget as to which one you should choose first.

Assuming your goal is to scale your business, keep adding as many channels as possible, stacking one on top of the other:

Keep at each channel until you gain momentum and receive a minimum of 50% ROI.
Keep at each channel until you gain momentum and receive a minimum of 50% ROI.

in reality what you need is an offer that converts traffic profitably.

Once he had an offer that converted complete strangers into high-value clients, he grew from using Google Ads to SEO to Facebook Ads and so on, step by step, stacking on more traffic channels.

most people don’t have a traffic problem, they have an offer problem.

Make sure your message matches the temperature of your audience!

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The first type, at the tip of the pyramid, is in buy mode. These guys are on Google, actively searching. They know they have a problem. They’re looking for a solution in the products and services you provide.

they have a very high purchase intent.

They’re the 60% of prospects sitting at the base of The Larger Market Formula pyramid.

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Marketing is much like dating. There are a series of steps and events that must take place in order for a relationship to develop and get more serious.

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to warm them up you’ll need a clever sales funnel with education-based content,

Your ads should demand attention and compel readers to click, not buy.

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They’re asking me to marry them on the first date. We must ‘sell the click’.
They’re asking me to marry them on the first date. We must ‘sell the click’.

Sells the click by dialling up the intrigue with ‘Secret checklist finally revealed’. Everybody wants to know secrets, and I’ve partnered this with ‘Top Divorce Lawyer’ to define what the checklist is going to be all about.
Sells the click by dialling up the intrigue with ‘Secret checklist finally revealed’. Everybody wants to know secrets, and I’ve partnered this with ‘Top Divorce Lawyer’ to define what the checklist is going to be all about.

Instead, offer something that’s so irresistible, something that has so much intrigue that people can’t help but click. I then go on to build the social proof ‘100,000 Downloads’ and add urgency ‘Ends Soon, Act Now!’ Now let’s see how this ad shapes up in the environment where it has to compete for attention.


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*Please note: these are not real ads and are just being used for illustrative purposes.
*Please note: these are not real ads and are just being used for illustrative purposes.

In my experience, it takes a minimum of 20 attempts to get the best headline.

You need to think about what your target audience really wants.

You need to be provocative. You need to shock people. You need to say the opposite of what your competition is saying.

you need to do something different to get attention.

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Google is fantastic for reaching those in hunt mode, but that’s really a small subset of the market. Remember, it’s those prospects in the awareness stage and the cold prospects who are the largest opportunity for scale in your market. And with Facebook, you can laser in on those who are good candidates for your services even though they may not even know it yet.

BuzzSumo shows us that breaking news articles and exclusives made up the largest and most popular category in terms of shares and engagement.

channelling people’s desire to engage with content that looks like news.

Remember, your ad has one job and that’s to get people to click. In order to do that it should look like breaking news or an exclusive article, because we know that will compel people to click on your ad, read it, and engage.

We’ve discussed what drives a click, and that’s curiosity, intrigue, shock, or direct benefit that a person stands to get from clicking on the ad. That’s the big promise we’re going to offer in our ads.

Here’s one that I love: ‘Live to 100, We Found the Secret Formula in a Remote Village’. Naturally, you want to know what that is, we all want to live longer, right? And there’s a secret formula that was found in a remote village... This isn’t some cutesy copy they think might work well. This is something that’s working to get 50 million people reading their magazines every month.

We simply want to model what’s already working out there in the market. Another great way to find popular content types is to go to BuzzSumo and type in the topic you’re interested in.

Anatomy Of A High- Converting Facebook Ad

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You can see that 12 to 18 words are the optimum number for high-performing Facebook ad headlines.
You can see that 12 to 18 words are the optimum number for high-performing Facebook ad headlines.

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Is my copy the perfect bait for my dream buyer? • Are my conversions increasing? • Is my cost per conversion decreasing?
Is my copy the perfect bait for my dream buyer? • Are my conversions increasing? • Is my cost per conversion decreasing?

The Magic Lantern Technique

Once they’ve opted-in, they become a prospect, and you can market to them, virtually for free, using email. We find a combination of email with video generally works best.

They download your HVCO and then get redirected to a thank-you page, which is a landing page that presents your Godfather Offer to them. This page could be straight text, video, or a combination of both that presents your irresistible Godfather Offer.

That takes care of the 3% who are in buying mode and eager to sail through your funnel to the purchase. But what about the other 97%? They enter your funnel, but because they’re still undecided, they don’t take the next step to scheduling a call or purchase.

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This is a series of two or three videos that give them pure value. They’re not selling anything, just giving them some value in advance and taking them closer to their desired outcome. At the end of each video you include a call to action saying something along the lines of: ‘If you liked this content and you’re committed to getting X outcome, I’ve got a really great offer for you. I’ve put some time aside in my calendar to help you solve this problem or get your desired outcome. And you can go ahead and book in some time with me here’.

Step One Create a piece of content around a 12-step social media audit. This could be a checklist, a PDF, or a swipe file – whatever you prefer. Typically, I find video content really powerful,

Throughout this process we’re trying to lower that scepticism whilst simultaneously increasing our status as an authority in this space and building trust, so they believe what we’re saying.

We’ll be using an email sequence to drip feed this information to them after they download the HVCO.

Step Two

This person (you) just provided me all this value, and they haven’t even tried to sell me anything. They’re literally just dishing out value, without asking me for anything’.

‘If you’re enjoying this content and this whole process, then you’ll want to know that I’ve put some time aside on my calendar for you to schedule a call’, and simply insert your Godfather Offer here.

We’re using our Godfather Offer like an ethical bribe to invite people to speak with us. And what happens next is almost magical!

So they’re going to reach out to you and book in a time on your calendar when they’re ready, willing, and able to do business with you.

So let’s take a look at where we are. They’ve raised their hand with a HVCO, then they’ve downloaded the 12-Step Social Media Audit from there, then we’ve hit them with the video of ‘The 11 Things Never to Say to an Influencer’. They’ve gone through and gobbled up that content.

By this stage, they might have received some results and said to themselves, ‘This is just incredible. This is so cool! I’m getting all this value. Their strategies work. I believe this person can indeed help me!’ Their scepticism is almost gone – and then we offer them one more piece of value.

the last step is the sales mechanism.

I’ve found that 90% of salespeople get it wrong. They basically vomit every feature and benefit of their service during their sales presentation in the hope that something hits a nerve that will make the prospect buy. This is the equivalent of having an appointment with a doctor where they poke all your body parts while asking, ‘Does that hurt?’ and ‘How about here?’ Instead, a good doctor begins by asking, ‘Where is the pain?’ Remember that in the medical profession...

Selling is about taking your prospects from a less desirable ‘before’ state to a more desirable ‘after’ state, and if what you’re selling doesn’t deliver your prospect to their

ultimate desired outcome, then – to put it simply – don’t sell to them!

As a salesperson, you’re trying to diagnose someone’s issue and then, if what you’re selling can help them, you make them an irresistible offer – an offer they can’t refuse.

In order for them to take you up on your offer, you want to make it compulsory that they fill out a short survey before doing so. Nothing too intrusive, but it should give you more insights into the problem they’re trying to solve, where they are in their journey to solve it, and where they want to go (their goals).

What is their ‘Why?’ You pick up their call and ask: ‘Hello, Mike. Please tell me your biggest motivation for taking the time out of your busy day and scheduling this call with me.’ Or the short version: ‘Hello, Mike. How may I help you?’

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Where Do They Want To Go? Get your prospect to tell you about where they want to go and their desired outcome. Then find out their ‘why’, and get them to picture exactly what life will be like after they get there. One way we do this is by saying: ‘Mike, if we were having this conversation twelve months from today and you were looking back at the past twelve months, what would have needed to happen for you to be happy with your results?’

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It’s important you get a temperature check on exactly what they want to achieve and why. Then help them to paint a vivid picture of what this exactly would feel like.
It’s important you get a temperature check on exactly what they want to achieve and why. Then help them to paint a vivid picture of what this exactly would feel like.

The Admission

This is where you get your prospect to express everything they’ve been doing so far. How they’ve struggled. All their frustrations. Get all their challenges out. What has worked. What hasn’t. And why.

If it’s not important to them, then politely end the call. If they don’t have a burning desire to solve this problem, it doesn’t matter what you’re offering or what you’re charging, they won’t buy.
If it’s not important to them, then politely end the call. If they don’t have a burning desire to solve this problem, it doesn’t matter what you’re offering or what you’re charging, they won’t buy.

Delivering Value

this is the part of the call where you transition into the value you promised up front in your Godfather Offer.

we simply help them formulate a plan based on their answers.

we now build them a bridge to get there in the form of a plan.

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You want to get your prospects excited by solving a part of their problem on the call, or at least making it very clear you can help them solve it and leave them begging for more.

It’s like when you go to a fancy restaurant, and the waiter brings you a delicious hors d’oeuvre – you know, one of those little appetisers or small starter dishes. You eat it, it’s incredibly tasty, and then your digestive juices start going crazy and you order half the menu! It’s the same principle here. You want to leave your prospect starving for the main course, which is your core offer.

By following this process and delivering value you prove that you are different from everybody else by giving them some value in advance.

How you do this: Splinter off a tiny part of your offering and deliver it then and there on the call. Hash out a problem and then demonstrate how you could help them solve that.

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Getting The Commitment

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The Prescription

Tailor this to the specific problems they told you they were having earlier in the call and position it as exactly what they need – because it is!

‘Based on what you’ve told me, it sounds like this would be a great fit to help get you [thing they want] and [other thing they want]’.

Now simply list out everything they will be getting in your services or program.

This overview should be no more than two minutes long.

Use the same words they use to describe their problems and goals.

Provide the features and then finish with how these translate into benefits for them. Do not harp on about all the technical bells and whistles of your offering.

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The Close

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This question is powerful. It turns the tables and gets the prospect to start selling themselves on why they would be a good fit for you and why they feel they would be successful.
This question is powerful. It turns the tables and gets the prospect to start selling themselves on why they would be a good fit for you and why they feel they would be successful.

Do not hesitate for a second and do not pause to get a confirmation once you state your price. This is a run-on sentence, and you want to go on to further explain the pricing. All packages should have a set-up fee. This is for two reasons: 1) to offset your customer acquisition costs, and 2) to create urgency using a Fast Action Bonus (FAB).

Fast Action Bonus – Going back and forth costs you time, energy, and money. Let them know you can drop the set- up fee if they make a decision now. As a backup you, can give them 24 hours if they truly need to speak with their partner.

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Automate And Multiply

Email outperforms every other marketing channel. Period. And one of the biggest mistakes I see businesses make is not building an email list from day one.

Email is the bedrock of my business today. It’s by far my #1 source of revenue. It’s how I communicate with my community, launch new services, and reach my customers. Email is the engine that’s generated millions of dollars for my business — more than every other channel we’ve used combined. And it’s not just our business that depends on email.

According to a 2014 study by McKinsey and Company, for every dollar you put into email marketing you get back forty dollars more than you would through Facebook, Instagram, and almost every other marketing channel. Forty times more revenue!

And according to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), for every $1 marketers spend on email, the average ROI is $44.

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Email delivers more leads than any other marketing channel, and 42% of businesses have listed email marketing as the top digital marketing channel for lead generation. So if you’re serious about business growth, an email list is critical.

why am I so bullish on email? Aside from the obvious case as seen in the statistics above, my reason is simple: it’s a huge risk to build a business on a platform owned by somebody else.

The Battle For Attention In The Inbox

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Depending on your list size, you might want to use multiple platforms for different email providers, or you might choose a platform with the best deliverability for the majority of your list’s email providers.
Depending on your list size, you might want to use multiple platforms for different email providers, or you might choose a platform with the best deliverability for the majority of your list’s email providers.

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Well, you can go to www.senderscore.org and find out for yourself. This website is run by a company called Return Path, and it will tell you what your reputation and sender score is. Anything above 90 is good, anything above 95 is great, and you shouldn’t be having any deliverability issues. However, it is something you need to frequently check, as you want to uncover any issues sooner rather than later.

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What was the subject line for the highest opened and highest earning email in history? ‘Hey’. Who sent it? President Barack Obama.

Other subject lines included, ‘Join me for dinner?’ ‘It’s officially over’, ‘It doesn’t have to be this way’, or just ‘Wow’.

All very personal, and they relied heavily on curiosity and intrigue to get the open. The Obama campaign raised $690 million online.

Updated 25 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
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